Friday, February 5, 2021

It's Not The End

A reflection on the "terrifying", all round love and perpetual mercy of God.


Hate moday? Hate life? Hate that gossiper? We have so many reasons and we'll never run out of objects to lash our frustrations on and judging from personal experience, this is no exclusion to the people of faith.

I admire the fact that the Hebrew word, קורבן "qorban" (which amazingly has very proximate prononciation and meaning with the word "korban" in Bahasa)  has much deeper and wonderful meaning than simply mean rituals of slaying animals, but way deeper. I hope this reflection would inspire and provoke us to rethink and to revise our definitions and pursuits of what matters in life.

But before we continue, just so there won't be accusation that I'm forcing the "shoresh" שׁוֹרֵשׁ (root word) קרב (qof resh bet) for a wild spin 😂, I've also shown parallel view of KJV & HRNT of Ephesians 2:13-17 (above pic). I've also included a search for variants that stem from קרב here.

My ancestral belief systems are popularly known for circling around the "jinxing" attempt or to avoid misfortunes (fengshui, zodiac, etc),  afterall, being intoduced as a knowledge of universal balance, we're known for adopting and applying things because they are dealing with areas of our interests and concerns (Matt 6:21). Judaism, on the other hand, has it in their traditions and writings all along (most striking in Isaiah 53). They say that המשיח The Messiah is a king yet also a suffering servant. This is clearly seen when you consider a קורבן "qorban" as a victim. And minding who and what Jesus Christ has been, isn't he a "qorban"? A קורבן "qorban" hit by the worst disaster & misfortune anyone could ever have, God incarnated, living humby, died miserably, a kind of victory so subversive it isn't easily digested. But in this "qorban" we find a way to be קרוב "qarov" (close, "karib" in Bahasa), even become God's adopted and family/relatives with one another. 

Judging happenings (others' and ours) as "luck" or "misfortunes" are simply an egoistic  and divinely disconnected way of relating and making sense of life and of projecting that ignorant mislead expectation to God Who's in fact consistently "khesed" חֶסֶד, abundant in selfless and faithful love, mercy, and compassion.

He's a father who runs to meet and hug the lost prodigal son, even when that son is still meditating what was actually a defective, sad kind of remorse and "repentence" mostly because he's starving (Luke 15:11-24). He decided to teach a prophet from his chosen people a lesson just because the proud fellow won't go preach to a savage powerful "enemy" whom so he taught was also God's enemy.. so he taught (Jonah 4:9-11). God always initiate the search no matter how lost we are.

Celebration and reflection to such liberating truth is what our new lives are all about, in Christ, what we once avoid (sacrifice, prioritizing peace, service to others) are what's now our source of joy and  sustenance, just as Jesus, our food is now doing God's will. This new celebrative and continuous thanksgiving is what's know (theologically and etimologically) as Eucharistic.

He is coming בקרוב "beqarov" soon, The One who has given all to be "qarov" close to us is drawing nearer everyday, and on that day, we'll be inseparable! ❤️❤️❤️


*Don't bother, jinxing isn't Chinese, it's from the root "jinx" 😅

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