Thursday, January 24, 2019

Please Help Me Giving a Proper Title to This

What I'm about to share aren't simply good parenting practices, honestly & without any Ill intention I'm stating that they're also absent during my childhood & now I'm fighting by God's grace everyday to do them..

💎 I let my boys know whenever possible that just by simply existing (regardless of achievements), they are already the source of my joy.

💎 I demonstrate the things I myself have been longing to hear :
* "Sorry" whenever I realized I have failed to exercise perfection / truth / God's principles in parenting, they will know that we humans make mistakes, and the way out is not perfection, it's the giving & receiving of forgiveness.
* "Please / help", giving them dignity but also a realization that their satisfaction comes not from annexation, but from serving.
* "Thank you".. same as above.

💎 I tie & summarize as much of our  conversations to the realization that God is the reason, sustainer, and the conclusion of this grand story called "life".

💎 I made sure they reached the fulfillment of my & my wife's matrimony vow, that is to mentor them in Christ.  I might not own nor attain much, but I recalled when I guided them to embrace the fruit of The Cross wholeheartedly.  I watched their small faces drown in tears of thanksgiving for what Christ has done for their forgiveness & salvation.  I felt that no success nor riches can compared to having your whole house enjoyed the gift of new life.

God is the source of unending love.  He's
enabled me to become a dad I've never and might never had.  Through the Cross, Christ has revealed the perfect heart of My Heavenly & Loving Father, and that sacrifice has covered all guilt and settled all debt.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Man, It's Only a Shoerack! 😂

Inspired by @nasdaily 's #mountaintest , I trained myself to reflect on the addition of this one simple cheap item.  How can we better pursue God's calling, fulfill his purpose, and propagate his kingdom by having our "this & that"?

True, the awareness of #purpose saves us tons of unneeded burdens, anxiety & sorrow.

#shoerack #holiday #divinewisdom #freedom #godsimage #comfort 💖

From brother Felix's thumb 😅♥️

Greetings beloved readers!

Friends, you are created for God's delight as much as He's delighted to shower you with love, to restore you into His intended fullness of life, to reveal Himself to you through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pour out His heart to you and as much people whose lives you're allowed to touch.  This is OUR ministry of peace & reconciliation. 

How to support OUR ministry?

This ministry is grounded in the longing to be an authentic integral witness of God's salvation in a way that blesses & empower people to be better in what they're destined & called to do, to be a better professionals, business owners, family member, and member of their communities and even their nation.  

Therefore we don't collect financial donations but rather asking you to support causes and ventures we believe could bring increasing opportunity to resonate His messages through what we daily do best as roles mentioned above.  

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