Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My Newfound Jogging Spirituality

God gives us purpose & He intends us to discover it through processes of recovery, nourishment and empowerment.

Today my NRC+ app award me with Kevin Hart's uplifting and cheery tones for a job well done. So far I've run the longest and farthest.  But what exactly have I learnt from the new passion for jogging?

It's the fact that within a properly trained & functioning physical body, there's less room for depression, thus bad mental state are not our default state from God's factory.  That strong mental and peace of mind are in God's intentions for us.  And through His Son Jesus, the way is open for our spiritual man to tap into those currents of life-giving water, to nourish and heal our mind, body, and eventually our lives.

Secondly, "purpose & meaning".  You'll never know deeper meaning of struggles & endurance until you walk those long miles.
Through thirst, fatigue even disorientation, you struggle (and pray) for those next milestone to be created, for records to be broken.  Through desires, struggles, victories, disappointment and hope, we learn that purpose is not something we achieve or grasped at the end, it's being woven through each feet and yard, and finally at the finish line our purpose have knitted in us wonderful godly characters.

So ...