Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Faith IN vs Faith TO

Christians don't just have faith IN a merciful God, they have faith TO exercise mercy just as they have received it from God in unspeakable  abundance.

I don't have things against believers "borrowing" Old Testament passages, convincing themselves & others that allegiance to YHWH is never in vain, that HIS workers would have "manifestations" as authoritative signs. I really don't, IF ONLY I won't see rolled eyes nor yawns when I disclose this ..

That as people can also be (even more) moved (and hearts won) by justice & compassion, there are actually even more passages mentioning that ישראל Israel as ancient covenant community (then, the Church as the spiritual fulfillment) was established by God's principles of the prior.

Our lives are God's offering dough. The enticing power of this world can spread, spoiling us overtime, just like yeast leavening breads. The only way to break the "natural cycle of decay", hearts being away from God, is commitment to Passover "hasty dining" lifestyle, enjoying posessions, but with desire, enjoyment & focus to God's Word instead. (Observe that God didn't say "suffering means you've followed Me correctly", the opposite is true, the fulfilled covenant caused blessings, but once love has grown to things more than to God, prepare yourself for a sh#tstorm!).

God's Word is anything but symbolic monument. Christianity as a whole is much more than philosophy & mysticism. The remembrance of God's saving deeds, including studying & teaching of the scripture was meant to continuously feed the flame, to awaken the fire, preserving the momentum of God's (spiritually renewed) people, ministering שלום peace & freedom to this fallen humanity. As we willingly share whatever entrusted, we will hear that sweet praise from those once far that has been made near..

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalms 34:8 NIV .
When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground.
Psalms 104:30 NIV

#deduce #hopefully #systemmatic #theologian #devotional #oneyearbible #oraetlabora #prosperitymeetsliberation

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ready for Your Guitar Smash?

I don't know whether to be angry of to laugh! 😅 Seriously! She told me that she's bored with the lesson, and that's why she quit my guitar class. Ok .. so that you can relate, her attendance rate is below 40% and the numbers of repeated (suspected to be not being done) homeworks are plain surreal! How can you be bored when you don't clock in often enough to even understand what you're getting yourself into?? 😅

It might sound weird and nearly fictitious, but the fact is : half of my EGR (extra grace required) students are the ones who criticized my method and material selection the most! 😅

Don't get me wrong, we instructors are way from perfection, we still making the best of every opportunity to learn new things even until today.

But how would you react when the ones who suggest me to change methods are those who haven't made their way pass basic posture & notation reading, those that have just baby-crawled inches away from being totally blind about guitar as instruments and musical study in general? I was imagining if there's such chance I could ever ask them why the doubts and why am I to blame, most probably they'll answer, "Because it shouldn't be this hard!" 😭🤣🤔

Well, now, how's our walk with God? It's just a simple closing statement. When the going gets tough, do we senselessly refuse to introspect and blame God, our great, loving and patient Teacher instead? Blaming our teacher in denial doesn't make us any better instrumentalists of life. Humility does.

It's time for another reality check.
Are we driven enough to continue studying regardlessly? Our motivation may vary, but LOVE is always the best. LOVE is the reason and true source of strength to persevere. If we professed to know HIM who declared to be the LOVE himself, do we remember to be reciprocal in loving whatever (loving) lesson he throws at us?

שלום Peace be with you


From brother Felix's thumb 😅♥️

Greetings beloved readers!

Friends, you are created for God's delight as much as He's delighted to shower you with love, to restore you into His intended fullness of life, to reveal Himself to you through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pour out His heart to you and as much people whose lives you're allowed to touch.  This is OUR ministry of peace & reconciliation. 

How to support OUR ministry?

This ministry is grounded in the longing to be an authentic integral witness of God's salvation in a way that blesses & empower people to be better in what they're destined & called to do, to be a better professionals, business owners, family member, and member of their communities and even their nation.  

Therefore we don't collect financial donations but rather asking you to support causes and ventures we believe could bring increasing opportunity to resonate His messages through what we daily do best as roles mentioned above.  

How can I support OUR ministry?

Visit or/and share these following links ..
Someone you know or even yourself might be blessed, inspired, or unnoticeably passing blessings to certain needs..


What's The Best Sound You've Heard?

I'm a music engineer, I can spot Steve Tyler posing as a worm in animated movie "Epic" and Forest Whitaker narrating a science documentary, just by hearing. And beyond those marvel, I've once heard choirs of angels.

I am "I am", that's the only way to (so poorly) describe what I heard circa 1999 during a worship service.  Why was it so significantly life changing?

It reminds me to the life-changing experience of Moses (Exo3), Isaiah (Isa6), the apostles (Acts2), and of Cornelius (Acts10).

In the less poor description..

I was hearing more than an audible sound, my whole senses & being was witnessing the presence of no other than God himself, and why was I so sure?

Because in that exposure and "sound" that I'm going to simply describe as a revelation, I was made aware that he is personal, he's everything but lifeless energy.  When he declare his "I am"-ness, it also interpretes as "not only do I exist, but I am the truest, strongest, ever existing, eternal, all encompassing, perfect 10/10 EXISTENCE."

That voice revealed as the creator of all other existence & along with them.. ME. He's all knowing, he knows all about me, he also said that nobody loved and will ever love me as much as him.  That all I need to know and all I'll ever be can be found and already available in him.

He revealed himself as being all in all, nothing is outside him, nothing can escape nor be hidden from him. In him no one is alone, no one is forgotten, no one is dead, I'm in total safety and security, my present and future.

He revealed that he's the true joy and fulfillment of all mankind. In all his splendour, he created us to take part of that eternal completeness, joy, peace, (true) LIFE.

And as the ecstatics unforgettable experience started to wear out.. he whisper into my soul, subsiding from unknown tongues.. from a new void he created, replacing my old vanities of mortal pleasure .. "Tell others!"

Starting that moment, my self centered religion found its death. I am both my old same self with a new heart, dying to ego & sin. (Joel 2:28; Eze 36:26)

PS: The next best mixed sound ever was an object entering the water 😘😉 #20yrsHaul

What's your #corneliusmoment ?


From brother Felix's thumb 😅♥️

Greetings beloved readers!

Friends, you are created for God's delight as much as He's delighted to shower you with love, to restore you into His intended fullness of life, to reveal Himself to you through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pour out His heart to you and as much people whose lives you're allowed to touch.  This is OUR ministry of peace & reconciliation. 

How to support OUR ministry?

This ministry is grounded in the longing to be an authentic integral witness of God's salvation in a way that blesses & empower people to be better in what they're destined & called to do, to be a better professionals, business owners, family member, and member of their communities and even their nation.  

Therefore we don't collect financial donations but rather asking you to support causes and ventures we believe could bring increasing opportunity to resonate His messages through what we daily do best as roles mentioned above.  

How can I support OUR ministry?

Visit or/and share these following links ..
Someone you know or even yourself might be blessed, inspired, or unnoticeably passing blessings to certain needs..


Forgiving Is Fun (?) 🤔😅

How to forgive someone causing your financial loss? Is "to forgive also to forget"? What's wrong with society? Is there an actual gap between the "spiritual" teaching of forgiveness  with the empirical practice in "real world" sectors?

I was packing piles of order, the largest in recent month. As always, my OCD wrapping style gave no rooms for mediocre packaging quality, I was lavishing the box with perhaps a dime worth of paper & tapes. But you might be surprised that underneath was merchandise sold with around -$0.25 profit, offered just to cut losses & helped with the house's cash flow.

Yes, I was living the (not so good) dream, ridding stockpiles caused by a business fraud.

I won't get into details, I'm aiming at other (higher) points.

It would almost be effortless to jump in & out of a debate on "biblical" forgiveness. We may have known stories of "The Wicked Servant" or the "70x7" sayings of Jesus, or his last words on the Cross pleading God the Father that his oppositions would be forgiven.

As a melancholic, struggling with traits of being sensible, as well as few experiences, I'm no stranger to faith struggles related to dealing (mostly with myself) with strives, offenses and treason.

I might claim to know more than most people that to apply selective amnesia in forgiving isn't that natural nor practical in terms of financial / assets. Those claiming to be able to forget harsh words or family / spouse quarrels would surely have their reality checked when they have to maintain cooperative & supportive mindsets & gestures dealing with such, already causing financial damage, after trust being breached.

But NO, I know nothing more than you. I struggle, I cried, I wonder, I throw m#ddle f#nger to the sky! The most hurt is probably caused by not knowing "why".

Then, I was comforted by an article on suicide victims by Dr. Dale M. Coulter. It's a sobering faith trip, a continuous reflections of how imperfect we are when it comes to forgiving. This struggles challenge me to be genuine whenever I come to God for restoration. As with other sinful tendencies, I can only offer a holding hand 🙏. Let's walk by grace to HIM who's perfectly forgiven. 💖📖


From brother Felix's thumb 😅♥️

Greetings beloved readers!

Friends, you are created for God's delight as much as He's delighted to shower you with love, to restore you into His intended fullness of life, to reveal Himself to you through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pour out His heart to you and as much people whose lives you're allowed to touch.  This is OUR ministry of peace & reconciliation. 

How to support OUR ministry?

This ministry is grounded in the longing to be an authentic integral witness of God's salvation in a way that blesses & empower people to be better in what they're destined & called to do, to be a better professionals, business owners, family member, and member of their communities and even their nation.  

Therefore we don't collect financial donations but rather asking you to support causes and ventures we believe could bring increasing opportunity to resonate His messages through what we daily do best as roles mentioned above.  

How can I support OUR ministry?

Visit or/and share these following links ..
Someone you know or even yourself might be blessed, inspired, or unnoticeably passing blessings to certain needs..


Sunday, August 4, 2019


Alasan kita tidak memaafkan seseorang hanya ada dua, karena lupa bahwa kita telah "diselamatkan" atau  karena kita memang belum diampuni Tuhan.

Sebagai seorang melankolis, musisi, pencinta keindahan (dan sebaliknya, peka akan keburukan), Saya membagikan poin yg "berbahaya" ini dengan empati penuh pada Anda yang masih menyimpan pedih sakit hati.

Percayalah, jika ada hal yang saya mohonkan pada Tuhan setiap bangun pagi, adalah bagaimana memiliki perasaan "tebal" seorang kolerik dan ingatan "setipis" seorang sanguinis, dan permohonan itu dilandasi satu alasan.

Bagi kami perasaan tersakiti, dikhianati, direndahkan, dan sejenisnya, semuanya terasa intens senyata luka cidera fisik.

Karena itu, ini bukanlah penghakian atas ketidakmampuan Anda.  Tuhan sedang memanggil kita keluar dari selubung keberagamaan, masuk ke dalam pengalaman rahmat Kristiani yang otentik, utamanya bagi para melankolis adalah pergulatan dalam memaafkan.

Terlepas dari debat soal iman akan keselamatan, Tuhan memberikan kita sebuah cermin berjudul "hamba yang tidak berbekas kasih" (Matius 14:21-35). Jika benar kata Yesus, bahwa pengampunan dosa yang sudah Saya terima adalah sebesar yang diterima hamba itu, dan sebesar apapun salah orang lain, sejahat apapun, sebesar apapun kecewa yang ditimbulkan, itu hanyalah "hutang kecil" yang sepantasnya diputihkan saja, maka di mana posisi Saya hari ini?

Apakah hari ini Saya kedapatan melembutkan hati dan taat, atau justru berdiri bangga, terang-terangan menentang kebenaran Kristus, menyatakan "Kau tak mengerti, Tuhan" pada Dia yang telah menyerahkan segalanya untuk kita yang tidak pantas menerimanya? .
Bukan (hanya) kesalahan kecil yang membuat kita pantas binasa, namun juga karena kita mewarisi hati yang anti Tuhan dan cenderung memberontak.

Dan untuk hati sekelam itulah Kristus sudah berkorban agar Roh Kudus dapat memberikan kita hati baru yang taat dan hidup baru yang penuh sukacita.

Sama seperti janji keselamatan, mari kita menerima janji Tuhan dengan iman bahwa mereka yang menerima pengampunan akan mampu mengampuni.  Jangan berusaha dan lelah sendiri, datang dan alami cinta Tuhan yang membebaskan.  God bless.
Rekan sekelas Anda dalam mata kuliah "mengampuni",

Felix K. Zaoputra, ST., SKom
Pendidik, Musisi, Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Teologi.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Mobil Baru atau Hati Baru?

Putra kedua saya menangis tadi sore saat mobil mainan yang susah payah dirakitnya pecah menjadi beberapa bagian.

Sebagai seorang insinyur, Saya segera mempelajari keadaan dan berusaha menenangkan pria kecil ini, dan mulai mengajarinya teknik memperkuat rangka.

Hal paling berharga yang ia pelajari hari ini bukan tentang mobil-mobilan yang akhirnya jadi luar biasa (meski akhirnya Anda bisa lihat di gambar..).  Namun yang lebih penting lagi, ia paham bahwa saat keadaan nampaknya di luar kendali dan menyedihkan tanpa tertahankan, Saya selalu ada di sisinya dan siap menolongnya.

     Mainan tersebut rusak kembali beberapa kali sore itu, namun kali ini ia nampak tenang.  Nampak sekali perubahan dalam cara anak ini menanggapi masalah & kegagalan.  Dan perubahan inilah yang berharga dan permanen.

 Jadi, para sahabat ...

💖Selaku orang tua, guru, atasan, figur otoritas, semoga takkan pernah lagi kita memandang rendah saat seorang anak sedang menangis.  Tangisan bisa punya 1001 makna, namun di antara nya TIDAK ada yang bermakna kelemahan.

💖 Sebagai siapapun kita, kita bukan Tuhan, dan takkan pernah menduduki peran sebagai Tuhan.  Rendah diri maupun kesombongan adalah perlawanan secara langsung yang menyakiti hati Tuhan.  Kisah kehidupan bukanlah tentang kita.  Maka jangan pernah berhenti menempatkan Tuhan di pusat segalanya dan teruslah berusaha mengasihi Dia lewat melayani & berbakti pada sesama. 
Saat "di atas" ingatlah "tujuan Tuhan" atas kita, bukan ambisi kita.  Saat "di bawah" ingatlah bahwa tak ada yang dapat membuatnya berkata "UPS!" atau "Eits!". Insinyur Agung kita telah mengetahui & memperhitungkan semuanya.

💖  Tak ada salahnya memiliki keinginan dan dambaan, itulah bukti bahwa kita diciptakan dengan hasrat untuk memiliki sukacita dan damai, untuk kesempurnaan dan kekekalan (Pkh 3:11).  Namun jangan puas hanya dengan harta dan tahta, karena ilusi takkan pernah mengalahkan keindahan hal yang sejati.  Ingin segera "lulus" dari pelajaran hidup tertentu?  Mari melatih jiwa kita untuk bergembira meski mobil baru "dambaan" kita belum kunjung tiba, sebaliknya, mintalah "hati baru" dari Tuhan.  💖(Yeh 36:26, Ibr 11:6; 1Ptr 1:6-7)

#holiday #qualitytime #legoboy #boysthingy #lifelessons #הילדשלי😍 #小弟弟

New Car or New Heart?

He cried this afternoon when the car broke in several chunks.  In my engineer's perspective, assessing the situation, I calmed him down and taught him chasis reinforcement.  

     The most precious thing he learned today wasn't the restored car (though finally .. you can tell by the picture), instead, it was the knowledge that even if things get out of hand & seemingly impossible to bear, I have his back, I'm always on his six.

     The car broke few more times afterwards, but the evident calm in him, it's there to stay.

So friends ...

💖 As parents, teachers, leaders, figures of authority, may we never again looking down whenever a child is crying.  It's everything BUT a sign of weakness.

💖 As anyone or anything, we are anything BUT God.  Inferiority & arrogance, both offend God.  It's never about us, so never loose our God centeredness & orientation on loving him through people.  When we're "above", remember our purpose (not our ambitions), and when we're "down", remember that nothing can make him say "Oops". Our great Engineer has everything figured out.

💖 Nothing's wrong with having wants &
longings, it proves our pre-installed desire for joy & peace, for שלום wholeness, for eternity (Eccl 3:11).  However, don't stop at wealth & power, the illusions can never be the real thing.  You want this particular life lessons to pass?  Train your soul to rejoice despite of the delayed new car, and ask God for a new heart. 💖(Ezekiel 36:26, Heb 11:6; 1Peter 1:6-7)

#holiday #qualitytime #legoboy #boysthingy #lifelessons #הילדשלי😍 #小弟弟


From brother Felix's thumb 😅♥️

Greetings beloved readers!

Friends, you are created for God's delight as much as He's delighted to shower you with love, to restore you into His intended fullness of life, to reveal Himself to you through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pour out His heart to you and as much people whose lives you're allowed to touch.  This is OUR ministry of peace & reconciliation. 

How to support OUR ministry?

This ministry is grounded in the longing to be an authentic integral witness of God's salvation in a way that blesses & empower people to be better in what they're destined & called to do, to be a better professionals, business owners, family member, and member of their communities and even their nation.  

Therefore we don't collect financial donations but rather asking you to support causes and ventures we believe could bring increasing opportunity to resonate His messages through what we daily do best as roles mentioned above.  

How can I support OUR ministry?

Visit or/and share these following links ..
Someone you know or even yourself might be blessed, inspired, or unnoticeably passing blessings to certain needs..

My musical VIDEO channel
My musical AUDIO channel
My musical arrangement service offer
My repertoire composing / e-refurbishing services


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Please Help Me Giving a Proper Title to This

What I'm about to share aren't simply good parenting practices, honestly & without any Ill intention I'm stating that they're also absent during my childhood & now I'm fighting by God's grace everyday to do them..

💎 I let my boys know whenever possible that just by simply existing (regardless of achievements), they are already the source of my joy.

💎 I demonstrate the things I myself have been longing to hear :
* "Sorry" whenever I realized I have failed to exercise perfection / truth / God's principles in parenting, they will know that we humans make mistakes, and the way out is not perfection, it's the giving & receiving of forgiveness.
* "Please / help", giving them dignity but also a realization that their satisfaction comes not from annexation, but from serving.
* "Thank you".. same as above.

💎 I tie & summarize as much of our  conversations to the realization that God is the reason, sustainer, and the conclusion of this grand story called "life".

💎 I made sure they reached the fulfillment of my & my wife's matrimony vow, that is to mentor them in Christ.  I might not own nor attain much, but I recalled when I guided them to embrace the fruit of The Cross wholeheartedly.  I watched their small faces drown in tears of thanksgiving for what Christ has done for their forgiveness & salvation.  I felt that no success nor riches can compared to having your whole house enjoyed the gift of new life.

God is the source of unending love.  He's
enabled me to become a dad I've never and might never had.  Through the Cross, Christ has revealed the perfect heart of My Heavenly & Loving Father, and that sacrifice has covered all guilt and settled all debt.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Man, It's Only a Shoerack! 😂

Inspired by @nasdaily 's #mountaintest , I trained myself to reflect on the addition of this one simple cheap item.  How can we better pursue God's calling, fulfill his purpose, and propagate his kingdom by having our "this & that"?

True, the awareness of #purpose saves us tons of unneeded burdens, anxiety & sorrow.

#shoerack #holiday #divinewisdom #freedom #godsimage #comfort 💖

From brother Felix's thumb 😅♥️

Greetings beloved readers!

Friends, you are created for God's delight as much as He's delighted to shower you with love, to restore you into His intended fullness of life, to reveal Himself to you through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pour out His heart to you and as much people whose lives you're allowed to touch.  This is OUR ministry of peace & reconciliation. 

How to support OUR ministry?

This ministry is grounded in the longing to be an authentic integral witness of God's salvation in a way that blesses & empower people to be better in what they're destined & called to do, to be a better professionals, business owners, family member, and member of their communities and even their nation.  

Therefore we don't collect financial donations but rather asking you to support causes and ventures we believe could bring increasing opportunity to resonate His messages through what we daily do best as roles mentioned above.  

How can I support OUR ministry?

Share this blog, also visit or/and share these following links ..
Someone you know or even yourself might be blessed, inspired, or unnoticeably passing blessings to certain needs..

My musical VIDEO channel
My musical AUDIO channel
My musical arrangement service offer
My repertoire composing / e-refurbishing services
