Sunday, December 20, 2020

Jehovah Jireh (Our God Who Foresees and Provides)

The word means so much more than we think!

Ever heard of "Jehovah Jireh"? (And its "prosperity exegesis"? 馃槄). Well, this ain't that.
I should really learn to take it easy the more though, everytime I want to do "lectio divina", the brain just went ballistic. 馃槀馃檹

When 讬讛讜讛 God wants to give descendants to 讗讘专讛诐 Abraham, God took him out to 专讜ֹ讗ֶ讛* see the stars! *Look at the words in pic. When he passed through 砖ְׁ讻ֶ诐 Sichem, when later his grandson 注讬讻讜讘 Jacob saw God's glory in a dream, God promised they will inherit the land. This realization of God's habit of showing people what He would later give them, and Latin motto "Veni Vidi Vici" struck me like thunderbolts of amazement as I pealed through the story in Genesis 22:14 (story of Isaac replaced by God with a ram to be sacrificed by Abraham) which originally shared by a dear friend, Sir Dong Mapanao in our prayer fellowship group ..

So Abraham named that place The Lord Will Provide. And it is said to this day, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be seen and provided.”
Genesis 22:14 AMP

讘专讗砖讬转 22:14 (WLC)
讜ַ讬ִּ拽ְ专ָ讗 讗ַ讘ְ专ָ讛ָ诐 砖ֵׁ诐־讛ַ诪ָּ拽ֹ讜诐 讛ַ讛讜ּ讗 讬ְ讛讜ָ讛 ׀ 讬ִ专ְ讗ֶ讛* 讗ֲ砖ֶׁ专 讬ֵ讗ָ诪ֵ专 讛ַ讬ֹּ讜诐 讘ְּ讛ַ专 讬ְ讛讜ָ讛 讬ֵ专ָ讗ֶ讛*׃

(VaIqra Avraham Shem HaMaqom HaHu Yahvah (Adonai) Yireh* Asher YeAmer HaYom B'Har Yahvah Yera'e*)

Personally, this is a groundbreaking revelation & clarification, all the more reason to rejoice in the God of our salvation. Through revelation our faith is sure, and should it need reasoning, the grounds are solid!

Gen 22:14 has 2 forms of 讬专讗讛 all at once in the verse, the one that spelled as Yireh 讬ִ专ְ讗ֶ讛 in "Jehovah Jireh" means "he will see", thus "God will see" (perhaps "see" also means "obtain for provision", thus provide)

It's amazing that this word clearly implies The Triune persons of God's one essence (Trinity). As if He picked/look for a replacement and this only be possible if our One God is at the same time multi-personal.

The next 讬专讗讛 is 讬ֵ专ָ讗ֶ讛 "Yera'eh", in the last phrase, meaning "it will be visible", in the KJV "it shall be seen", in the full phrase ".. in the mountain of the LORD, it shall be seen", whenever the textual critic points to The Messiah, the realms often overlap. The physical mountain for Abraham was also a metaphor of the real mountain of 讬讛讜讛 The LORD , His presence. He looked for the replacement to atone for our sin in nowhere else but inside His own presence, The Son left this mountain to be with us and died in our place (Phillipians 2).

Even without mentioning 讛讘专讬转 讛讞讚砖讛 the New Testament, it's still there in the Jewish original text (Tanakh), indications and hints that from acts of God is the past which confirm the Trinity.

This promise of 讛诪砖讬讞 The Messiah, passed down to the postexilic era, when the promised Land was once again occupied and the people oppressed never ceased to echo. It's as soft as that still small voice heard by Moses. It's as gentle as The Messiah was saying, "Those who have ears let them hear", but it's that same nagging beckoning that haunted Nicodemus, leaving him unsatisfied until he met The Son, passing on to us an account which gave us John 3:16. 

“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life."(John 3:16 AMP)

Let us welcome this now seen and provided Lamb of God in our hearts and lives. ❤️馃檹✨馃晩️

#learnhebrew #biblicalhebrew #theologian

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