Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ready for Your Guitar Smash?

I don't know whether to be angry of to laugh! 😅 Seriously! She told me that she's bored with the lesson, and that's why she quit my guitar class. Ok .. so that you can relate, her attendance rate is below 40% and the numbers of repeated (suspected to be not being done) homeworks are plain surreal! How can you be bored when you don't clock in often enough to even understand what you're getting yourself into?? 😅

It might sound weird and nearly fictitious, but the fact is : half of my EGR (extra grace required) students are the ones who criticized my method and material selection the most! 😅

Don't get me wrong, we instructors are way from perfection, we still making the best of every opportunity to learn new things even until today.

But how would you react when the ones who suggest me to change methods are those who haven't made their way pass basic posture & notation reading, those that have just baby-crawled inches away from being totally blind about guitar as instruments and musical study in general? I was imagining if there's such chance I could ever ask them why the doubts and why am I to blame, most probably they'll answer, "Because it shouldn't be this hard!" 😭🤣🤔

Well, now, how's our walk with God? It's just a simple closing statement. When the going gets tough, do we senselessly refuse to introspect and blame God, our great, loving and patient Teacher instead? Blaming our teacher in denial doesn't make us any better instrumentalists of life. Humility does.

It's time for another reality check.
Are we driven enough to continue studying regardlessly? Our motivation may vary, but LOVE is always the best. LOVE is the reason and true source of strength to persevere. If we professed to know HIM who declared to be the LOVE himself, do we remember to be reciprocal in loving whatever (loving) lesson he throws at us?

שלום Peace be with you


From brother Felix's thumb 😅♥️

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Friends, you are created for God's delight as much as He's delighted to shower you with love, to restore you into His intended fullness of life, to reveal Himself to you through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pour out His heart to you and as much people whose lives you're allowed to touch.  This is OUR ministry of peace & reconciliation. 

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