Saturday, July 21, 2018

Dad, How's The Guitar?

"When you say it can't be done than that's it, but if u try your best something will happen, and when u ask God, He can even do things exceedingly above all u can ever ask of think."

Today I did a mini project divided in 3 phases in 3 different occasions due to tight weekend schedule.  I taught piano in the morning, having teacher's meeting in the afternoon and finally music ministry in the evening.. I have every reason & right to say "Daddy's busy" or "Daddy's tired"..

I can make that "sermon" in that first paragraph simpy a figure of speech.  But I decided not to let this golden rare opportunity go away.  I've chosen to endure unspeakable "stretching" just to create a realistic miniature guitar from a cardboard for my little guy, so when one day life gets tough, he'll remember the guitar & remember how Daddy lived what he said and said what he lived.

"Saat kau berkata itu tidak bisa, maka ya, takkan terjadi apa2, namun jika kau mengusahakan yg terbaik, sesuatu pasti terjadi, dan bahkan saat kau memohon pada Tuhan, Dia akan mewujudkannya melampaui permohonan & pemikiranmu."

Saya bisa saja berteori, tapi Saya memutuskan mengerahkan upaya membuat gitar kecil yg realistik ini agar suatu saat nanti saat hidup penuh tantangan, ia akan mengenang gitar ini dan tahu bahwa papa nya menjalani apa yg dikhotbahkannya dan mengatakan apa yg sudah dijalaninya.

#weekend #qualitytime #boysthingy #parenting #makingmemories #inspiration #teachingnextgeneration #passingtruth #TheWord #faith #legacy

From brother Felix's thumb 😅♥️

Greetings beloved readers!

Friends, you are created for God's delight as much as He's delighted to shower you with love, to restore you into His intended fullness of life, to reveal Himself to you through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pour out His heart to you and as much people whose lives you're allowed to touch.  This is OUR ministry of peace & reconciliation. 

How to support OUR ministry?

This ministry is grounded in the longing to be an authentic integral witness of God's salvation in a way that blesses & empower people to be better in what they're destined & called to do, to be a better professionals, business owners, family member, and member of their communities and even their nation.  

Therefore we don't collect financial donations but rather asking you to support causes and ventures we believe could bring increasing opportunity to resonate His messages through what we daily do best as roles mentioned above.  

How can I support OUR ministry?

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Someone you know or even yourself might be blessed, inspired, or unnoticeably passing blessings to certain needs..

My musical VIDEO channel
My musical AUDIO channel
My musical arrangement service offer
My repertoire composing / e-refurbishing services


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