Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Our Eye In The Sky

I tend to be hasitant whenever I'd pass a car on my motorcycle.
As I meditate on this I realized that it's because due to perspective I see the farther side of the path as narrower than the one I'm currently on, while in fact, the road is almost perfectly straight and of the same width.
Most times our perspective perceives opportunities as threats and blessings as misfortunes.  It dictates how we respond and can either keeps us IN or OUT of peace.
So indeed prayers are vital as they keep us updated from the perspective of God, our Awesome "Eye in the sky" 😊❤

θΆ™ε₯εΏ  Felix Zhao

*Image courtesy of Our Daily Bread

From brother Felix's thumb πŸ˜…♥️

Greetings beloved readers!

Friends, you are created for God's delight as much as He's delighted to shower you with love, to restore you into His intended fullness of life, to reveal Himself to you through His Son, Jesus Christ, to pour out His heart to you and as much people whose lives you're allowed to touch.  This is OUR ministry of peace & reconciliation. 

How to support OUR ministry?

This ministry is grounded in the longing to be an authentic integral witness of God's salvation in a way that blesses & empower people to be better in what they're destined & called to do, to be a better professionals, business owners, family member, and member of their communities and even their nation.  

Therefore we don't collect financial donations but rather asking you to support causes and ventures we believe could bring increasing opportunity to resonate His messages through what we daily do best as roles mentioned above.  

How can I support OUR ministry?

Visit or/and share these following links ..
Someone you know or even yourself might be blessed, inspired, or unnoticeably passing blessings to certain needs..

My musical VIDEO channel
My musical AUDIO channel
My musical arrangement service offer
My repertoire composing / e-refurbishing services


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