Friday, May 28, 2021

Party Hard?

Redefining "Party Hard", "Play Hard", and self fulfillment through the reading of Joshua 5:9 and Luke 24:2 from the lens of Hebrew root גלגל (gimel lamed gimel lamed).

Disclaimer: this is a personal commentary instead of thoroughly defended academic observation.

Double Gimel-Lamed גלגל is one of few Hebrew 4 letter root (3 is more common) mostly associated with things that are circular and cyclical.

Galgal גַלגַל is "wheel" or "pulley".

Gilgal גִּילגָּל is place mentioned 39 times in the תַנָ'ך Tanakh, 15 of them in יהושע The Book of Joshua, including a story of how the name is given..

Joshua 5:9 And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach (shame) of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day.

Whether it's a divine arrangement, the writers' intention or both, we can spot the unique selection and depiction of removal as the act of rolling a (tomb) stone away. I guess it's normal to associate shame with a person's demise (death), but to associate death as the direct logical consequence of leaving God's presence, of spiritual death, and later to imply that the God's ultimate act in wiping of sin is the undoing of death, this is a revelation ahead of its time. Again, this idea is highlighted in The Gospel through the writings in Luke 24:2 ..

הֵן רָאוּ שֶׁהָאֶבֶן כְּבָר "נָגֺלָּה" מִן הַקֶּ

And they found the stone "rolled away" from the sepulchre (tomb).

And this reminds me of my Christian conviction through the Spirit that as משיח Christ was risen, the work of salvation is done, the shame of Egypt (biblical symbol for sin and worldliness) has been נָגֺלָּה rolled away.

As I ventured to compare various form of the word "rolled" in its construct form, the words which sound identically with #Gilgal is the ones attached to "I" and singular "you" (both male & female equally)..

Gilgalti גִּלְגַּלְתִּי (I rolled), at this point I was imagining God saying these words. (Both in Joshua & Luke)

Gilgalta גִּלְגַּלְתָּ (you rolled - man)

Gilgalt גִּלְגַּלְתְּ (you rolled - woman)

So as confusing as it is for us "average" people regarding Soteriology, "grace vs works". This #Hebrew reading hinted a form of partnership. Doing the opposite of righteousness, becoming an opposition to God's character and works, all these are a sign of rejecting the grace. God's way of saving is a self emptying paradox. Though He's infinite, it takes "you and me" to pull this off.

And finally, I couldn't help but rethink the "boring" eternity where we sing and float among the clouds to the kind where we'll be loving Him for all times through serving one another, no longer due to needs but out of the abundance of love .

Let's think of these the next time the worship service is ended and we're sent back to our daily responsibilities. A life of service is what's depicted in our celebration of praise. The "party" is just the image of joy, the "work" is the real thing.

Finally, everyone needs holidays and parties, but one can never expect to find ultimate meaning & fulfillment as those found in working and serving others for there we can see and contribut to the full display of self denying and purest love.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Musical Portfolio of Icarus30soundtracks

This blog serves as a portfolio of projects I've completed. Feel free to explore to get be informed on our service characteristics. Enjoy and God bless.

~Felix Zhao~

"Come On", our jingle composition in partnership with SoundMark studio for the launching of FaFa, a character by Kanimals.

"No Journey Too Far", a musical background for animation project "The Boy and The Red String" by Silvia Meiliani.

"Forever In Love", a song project requested by Sisca Kosasih, a memoir to her departed father.

"Kita Bhinneka Kita Indonesia", re-arranging music for 2018 Passover flashmob "Kita Bhinneka Kita Indonesia" (We Are Many/Diverse, We Are Indonesia)  was a currently popular & socialized lent movement song in Jakarta diocese (KAJ), promoting national awareness & integrity.  As Christians, Catholics are also called to love, to contribute & to pray for their nation, this is from the heart of the song writer, Fr. Reynaldo Antoni.

"Rendahkanlah Hatimu", a client asked me to make the minus one version of the song she recorded on her cellphone (Low Quality) for her child's competition performance, I only had that material to listen to as a clue to the project and the other half of this audio is the finished re-arranged version.

"Calling", a trailer for a seminar entitled "CALLING" also a book launching, "Calling: More Than Just a Dream" written by Lie Seng Cuan, the director of PT. Smart Personality Indonesia. I interpreted the content of the book into a musical arrangement, a narration, and video presentation, all displayed in this clip. It was a meticulous and thrilling 3 days project starting from music composing, narration dubbing, audio mastering, and video composing. The clip was presented on the event, on May 18th, 2013, at Estubizi Setiabudi Building 2 Fl.1, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav.62, Kuningan, South Jakarta.

"I Giorni" personal rehearsal.